Contact Us

To reach the MVFD for any emergency dial 9-1-1

Steve Akre - Sonoma Valley Fire Chief

Board Members

Mayacamas Olds - President

Pete Stewart – Vice President

Suzi Molofsky - Secretary

Jenny Apgar – Treasurer

Michael Jablanowski - Director & Mayacamas Division Chief

Carly Wood - Public Information Officer

Dan Leuck - Fire Safe Council Liaison

Connect With Us

To reach the MVFD for any emergency dial 9-1-1

To contact MVFD for any other reason you can email us at

Or send us a letter - our mailing address is:

PO Box 225
Glen Ellen, CA 95442

Follow us on Instagram @mayacamasvfd

Follow us on Twitter @MayacamasVFD

Look for us on NextDoor - Mayacamas Volunteer Fire Department

MVFD is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.